How to Cook Yummy Chocolate cheesecake (čokoládový cheesecake) delicious and handy!

Simply & Easy Recipes Food and Cooking.

Cooking is a type of art and there are many different kinds of cooking that you might discover. You can end up being a chef or you can simply attempt to master the art of cooking great meals within your residence. Lots of tasks in the workplace utilize chefs, prep-cooks and managers that also manage cooks. We hope this Chocolate cheesecake (čokoládový cheesecake) recipe can aid make you a much better cook.

Chocolate cheesecake (čokoládový cheesecake)

Chocolate cheesecake (čokoládový cheesecake) Každý slavnostní okamžik si zaslouží čokoládu, hodně čokolády. Zkrátka si bez čokolády neumíme představit žádnou rodinnou oslavu a nejspíš ani život (smích). Výborný nepečený čokoládový cheesecake koláč s jednoduchým receptom.

To make Chocolate cheesecake (čokoládový cheesecake) you need 7 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Chocolate cheesecake (čokoládový cheesecake) :

  1. Provide Cake body (korpus).
  2. Use butter cookies (1,5 balíčka maslových sušienok).
  3. You need to prepare butter (100 g masla).
  4. Provide Cake filling (plnka).
  5. You need to prepare cream cheese (500 g jemný tvaroh).
  6. You need chocolate (300 g čokolády).
  7. You need whipped cream (1 šľahačková smotana).

Short Tips:

Do not concern about sharp knives. Will they give you a nasty cut? absolutely. But dull knives are perpetually verified to be a lot of dangerous because they are more prone to slip when cutting, which makes the possibility of cutting yourself higher. If you commit to keeping knives sharp, you ought to also find out how to properly hold a chef’s knife, as well as how to hold the food you’re cutting.

instructions :Chocolate cheesecake (čokoládový cheesecake)

  1. Prepare ingredients. (Pripravíme si ingrediencie.).
  2. Put cookies into zip lock bag and smash them with rolling pin into the smallest pieces - almost like a flour. (Maslové sušienky dáme do uzatvárateľného vrecka a rozdrvíme valčekom na najmenšie kúsky - takmer ako múku.).
  3. Melt the butter in a small pot and melt chocolate in water bath. (Roztopíme maslo a zvlášť čokoládu vo vodnom kúpeli.).
  4. Mix the melted butter with smashed cookies. Press the mixture into a cake tin. Press it well, otherwise it might start falling from sides. Put it into fridge for half an hour. (Zmiešame roztopené maslo a rozdrevené keksy. Zmes natlačíme do tortovej formy. Pritlačíme poriadne, inak sa nám môže rozsypať. Dáme do chladničky na pol hodinu.).
  5. Mix together cream cheese and whipped cream. Once the mixture is smooth, add the melted chocolate and mix it well. (Zmiešame jemný tvaroh a šľahačkovú smotanu. Keď je zmes jemná pridáme roztopenú čokoládu a opäť poriadne premiešame.).
  6. Pour the cake filling into cake body and spread equally. Put it again to the fridge for over a night. (Plnku vylejeme na korpus a uhladíme. Potom dáme koláč naspäť do chladničky na celú noc.).
  7. The next day serve and enjoy 😋 (V nasledujúci deň podávame a mlsáme 😋).

Výborný čokoládový cheesecake, recept na istotu. Vyskúšajte recept na výborný čokoládový cheesecake z kuchyne portálu Ženy v meste. Strouhaný Čokoládový Koláč is a classic Czech cake which translates as the rather uninspiringly named Grated Chocolate Cake. It is what I would call Chocolate Cheesecake Slice and its delicious! Friends in the kitchen have become one of my favourite posts to write for Recipes Made Easy.

Everybody wants to be a far better cook. Everybody wants to explore enjoyable recipes. Discovering the moment and really feeling the motivation to be imaginative in the kitchen area can often pose an obstacle though. We wish these Chocolate cheesecake (čokoládový cheesecake) recipe can bring the magic to your kitchen. Offer a couple of these concepts a shot tonight, your taste will thanks!

If you find this Chocolate cheesecake (čokoládový cheesecake) recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

How to Cook Yummy Chocolate cheesecake (čokoládový cheesecake) delicious and handy!
Collection How to Cook Yummy Chocolate cheesecake (čokoládový cheesecake) delicious and handy! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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